How are CVs Transforming in the Digital Age?

CVs have been a crucial part of the employment process since the 1950s, when they became a formal expectation at job interviews. In the decades since then, the CV has evolved, and now digital elements have been incorporated. Job seekers need to know various tips and tricks to ensure their CV can compete in the digital age, and HR employees need to be trained in new techniques for sifting through applications. From Paper to Digital: A Shift in Style: Until recently, job seekers would simply write up their CV onto a piece of paper and post it to employers. There has been a recent transition from paper to digital, though, which has brought about various changes in approach. Not only do candidates have to reconsider the way they structure CVs, but HR departments need to change their approaches to dealing with them. The shift to a digital CV format means that it’s possible to include elements that never existed on pre-internet versions. For instance, candidates can now incorporate visual and interactive elements, such as infographics and hyperlinks. Employers could click these links to find out more information about a candidate, such as their past work or websites that they have created. Indeed, many candidates are now offering dynamic content alongside their CV applications. This can include personal websites that reveal online portfolios of past work and experience, offering an attractive extension to the CV for HR departments that want to delve further into the details of a potential new employee. More Important Than Ever for Candidates to Optimise Their CVs: With all these digital elements and additional tools at everyone’s disposal, it’s more important than ever for hopefuls to optimise their CVs as much as possible. The most sought after jobs will receive hundreds of applications, so prospective employees need to tailor their submissions to suit the job description and the digital screening process. It’s crucial for candidates to start by looking at some CV examples in the industry that they’re hoping to get employed in. There are major differences between engineering and accounting CVs, for example, so knowing what HR departments are seeking in these fields is beneficial. Researching keywords and phrases from the industry is also a winning approach, as these will be targeted by HR when they use digital tools to sort through applications. HR Can Use Applicant Tracking Systems to Filter Candidates: The introduction of applicant tracking systems has been a huge development for HR departments in the recruitment process. The systems can analyse hundreds of CVs in a short space of time, identifying the best candidates based on keywords and other predefined parameters. This means there’s much more efficiently in recruitment, as HR departments don’t need to spend as much time manually screening CVs. They can use the ATS to find the best options, and then explore these further. The customisation of filters means that HR departments can constantly refine their approach as well, zoning in on the perfect candidates for the job. CVs have already transformed massively in the digital age, and there could be other developments to come in the future. Therefore, it’s imperative that job seekers and HR departments keep up to date with modern trends.How are CVs Transforming in the Digital Age?